Hello everyone, this month we've made some changes to several aspects of the site.
We've made additional modifications to our VIP program. We have drastically lowered requirements again to assist new members with the ability to sustain their VIP membership status without interruption.
Our new member promotion has been changed from 1,000 Bits to 100 Bits. This change is necessary to accommodate the new withdraw process we intend on launching August 01, 2023.
August 01, 2023 direct Bitcoin wallet withdraws will be removed from the automated withdraw process and replaced with our ads4Bits Network advertisement platform. Although direct Bitcoin wallet withdraws are removed from the automated withdraw process. Members may still request a direct to Bitcoin wallet withdraw through our technical support team.
The minimum withdraw amount will be reduced from 5,000 Bits to 2,000 Bits for free members and from 5,000 Bits to 1,000 Bits for VIP members.
All members that joined our site after July 15, 2023 are eligible for the new withdraw process beginning August 01, 2023 right away. Members that joined our site prior to July 15, 2023 are eligible for the new withdraw process if they have previously successfully completed a withdraw. Otherwise, will remain with the previous minimum withdraw payment threshold of 5,000 Bits until completion of their first withdraw.
Due to this change we are expecting a large number of withdraws beginning August 01, 2023. We will still process withdraw requests as promptly as possible. However will be changing our time period of processing withdraws from five days or sooner to seven.
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